Monday, December 20, 2010

The Judgement awaited

No, it is not about Ayodhya or anything else.. it is something very personal :)

One night....

Mom to Me : your Dad snored very badly last night

Dad to Mom: I did not sleep at all because, you were snoring very badly

I: I don't know who snored, but I had a dolby stereo effect in the next room

Result: all 3 of us are sleeping in 3 distant, different rooms tonight

P.S.: both of them wanted me deliver a verdict next morning on who snored 

Today's Pledge?

India is my Country 
All extremists & lobbyists are my brothers & sisters.
I pity my country & I am ashamed of its corrupt & unscrupulous leaders. 
I shall always strive to distance myself from them. I shall give my corrupt netas, gundas & other undeserving fellows my precious vote & treat everyone with courtesy .
To my netas & my rulers, I pledge my hope.
In their selfish & careless hands alone, lies my bleak future.